A little over a year ago, our Holmes Murphy team embarked upon a journey to reinvent ourselves with a new website presence and environment.
The website rebuilding journey not only involved our core Marketing team, but nearly every aspect of our business and stakeholders. Leaders and team members were brought in for feedback, insights, and content support. This included: clients, community members, and more – it truly took a village to make our dream a reality.
For those not as familiar with the website building process, it’s a bit like building a house. You need to come in with a vision, and to build the site components around the goals necessary to execute upon this vision. In our case, we had three main goals with our new website:
- Promote and attract top talent
- Enhance the client and prospect user experience
- Uplift and elevate our Holmes Murphy brand
With these goals in mind and a cross-collaborative team of experts, we set off to bring the website to life.
Experiencing the Energy of Who We Are
Running a parallel path to our website rebuild, we began the process of defining our Holmes Murphy Employee Value Proposition (EVP). We rallied around a concept that is integral to our culture – “Love What You Do and Who You Do It With.” Anyone who works for or with Holmes Murphy knows we are fond for our acronyms, so this EVP quickly became known as LWYD & WYDIW.
Our EVP is more than a statement for marketing and branding. It is a spirit which can be felt walking the halls of any of our Holmes Murphy locations, leaning into a problem-solving session with one of our client-facing services teams, or picking up a shovel to help with a community volunteer opportunity through our Holmes Murphy Foundation.
As I reflect upon this past year and our website build – the hundreds of emails, countless meetings, stakeholder interviews, barrage of testing, and more – the meaning of our EVP became even more clear. A project of this magnitude requires teamwork, collaboration, respect, and perseverance. This may not mean you always agree, but you support your teammates with the final decision and carry forward in that spirit. I also celebrate the fact that I enjoy sharing time with our team, leaders, and employees inside and outside the working walls of Holmes Murphy, and the website project gave me the gift of doing exactly that.
Seize the Opportunity to Join Our Community
I truly feel fortunate to LWYD & WYDIW, and I invite you to connect with us as a new employee, client, or community partner. There’s something special going on at Holmes Murphy, and we would love for you to be a part of it! Check out our open positions or see for yourself why others have chosen Holmes Murphy.