What does ‘your hat is hard’ mean? Simply this — we understand that in the construction industry, risk is always part of the job and time is precious. And we want you to know, we’re here to help.
As part of my first blog, I want to introduce you to the construction industry specialization of Holmes Murphy. I take great pride in the team I work with, and I want you to know a little about them.
First, we have experience with more than 900 clients. Our dedicated team works hard to ensure they each have the peace of mind to focus on projects instead of worrying about figuring out what their needs are for insurance and risk management. That’s our job.
Secondly, we have expertise on our team with contractor risk, project risk, claims management, loss prevention and control, and contractor captive consulting (group and single-parent). Many of our team members have owned construction firms or worked in construction.
And lastly, we invest deeply in our clients and work hard to control how they’re impacted. Take the number 6,000, for example. Does that mean anything to you? It sure does to us. We were able to reduce one client’s OSHA fines by $6,000 through our inspection guidance.
Going forward, our team will be talking about numerous topics, to include contractual risk transfer, controlling workers’ compensation costs, contractor’s professional liability and more. It’s my goal to keep you informed about the industry and how or why your organization may be affected by certain issues.
While those are the topics we plan on addressing, I also want to know what you would like to read about? This blog is for you, and I want to make the conversation as productive as possible. Comment below and let me know!