Teams come together under one brand to align around clients’ unique needs.
Effective January 1, 2023, Holmes Murphy and CSDZ will combine their 193 years of collective construction experience and expertise by aligning over 200 employees dedicated to the construction industry under one brand and team. Holmes Murphy and CSDZ together will become Holmes Murphy Construction.
“For more than a century, CSDZ has been devoted to the construction industry and has made its name well known for its focus on helping clients manage the unique risks of construction. Our goal is to combine that expertise with Holmes Murphy’s construction expertise as one official team to elevate our status as the construction industry’s go-to resource for risk management,” said John Hurley II, Holmes Murphy President of Brokerage Services. “What we’re working toward is creating one unified unit that takes the best of what Holmes Murphy and CSDZ have done in the construction space for 90 and 103 years, respectively, and supercharge the industry with our collective expertise.”
Holmes Murphy originally partnered with Cobb, Strecker, Dunphy, and Zimmermann, now known as CSDZ, in 2018. At the time, the brands remained separate; however, as each company has grown over the past four years, so has the need to share resources, merge expertise, and work more closely together to better serve our construction industry partners.
“Working as one team for our construction specialization is a natural progression,” said Roger Cornett, President of CSDZ, and who will lead Holmes Murphy Construction. “Both Holmes Murphy and CSDZ team members have always worked toward one common goal — serving the needs of our clients in the best and most efficient way possible. We feel that by uniting as one team, we can not only lessen the confusion of supporting two brands that clients and the marketplace need to remember, but also streamline the experience we provide for our clients and their needs.
While the CSDZ brand will sunset in the new year, the dedication to construction and level of service and value provided to clients will remain as focused as ever.
“A brand, logo, and website don’t make us who we are. Our depth of knowledge does. I’m incredibly excited about this change, and I look forward to propelling our collective expertise forward to fuel the construction industry, create an even more exceptional experience for our clients, and grow Holmes Murphy,” said Cornett.